Going Live

We are truly excited to welcome you all to Pendulum 360. With our launch event now less than two weeks away, we wanted to touch base with you regarding the next steps in advance of our launch event on June 25th. 

You should have received an email from us with a link to your order where you were asked to begin assigning your membership/memberships. This is a very simple process whereby you insert the names and email addresses for each of your members. Thank you very much to all who have done this, it is much appreciated.

Closer to the kick off event on June 25th (10.00AM GMT – 1.00PM GMT) each member will receive an email with their login details and instructions on how to access the platform. 

The launch event on June 25th will consist of 3 virtual sessions from:

There will be other contributors on the day as well as course previews, inspirational videos, entertainment and the ability for members to connect.

All members will get access to the following benefits as part of their membership:

  1. September 2021: 360˚ Wellbeing
  2. November 2021: Purpose and Performance
  3. February 2022: Self Leadership
  4. May 2022: Becoming The Best Version Of You

Looking forward to welcoming you all on June 25th.

All the best,
Team Pendulum